Thursday, September 29, 2011

Potential issues dialog


I am currently posting information to a few Facebook sites setup by me to promote boating, education and so  on. I just set up a Facebook  page for D8. At the D8 Conference someone mentioned I needed to be careful as once something is out on Facebook they own it and the copyrights of others come into question. 

"Speaking of Facebook, it was discussed briefly at the Squadron Commanders/Members meeting Sunday morning.  I mentioned that there was a question about copyright material on Facebook and, pending resolution of this, people need to be careful what they post - no Power Squadron copyright material. ART "

Can someone from legal look into what can and cant be done in the Facebook arena? I also have a blog with lots of data and pictures of events and so on. Yes there is a twitter account as well. Should I be concerned? 

Lt/C Bob Scully, JN
Executive Officer and Public Relations Officer
Vero Beach Power Squadron

Good Morning Greg and Tom

I received the following from the USPS website – can either of you provide advice or forward it to someone who can?



R/C Peter Mitchelson, SN
Asst. National Secretary
Hi Terri

Unfortunately I was in a D/C meeting during your presentation and it is one that should have been presented at our meeting. I’ll stop whining.

One of our more successful squadrons, Vero Beach, has taken the lead on this and the XO Bob Scully is trying to get me up to speed on Facebook, a difficult task. They/he has this up and running and I am not clear on results but Bob is quick to say that “if it’s free I’m using it”.

Questions came up at our recent District Fall Conference that I would like for you to “weigh in” on your thoughts, see below.

D/C Gary Ferguson
District 8