Monday, October 3, 2011

The SM Question


Things came up at the Greensboro Governing Board meeting about social media. The reference above is a result of the meeting. Some of the squadrons are out there already and some USPS folks say we need to be careful, about what is put out. I am smack in the middle of this and need legal input. I will continue doing what I am doing until you tell me other wise. I am currently working with the following...

There is confusion in the USPS ranks about Social Media ( Facebook, Twitter, Blogs) that is stirring up conversation about the law and copyrights and how we...various power squadrons, post data to the aforementioned social media places out on the Internet for public consumption.

I have developed a few of these (social media spots) to help promote USPS and boating education, etc.( see links bellow) and was wondering if, we (USPS) has a legal position with regards to social media and the USPS, but specifically USPS and Facebook, Blogs and Twitter.

I would appreciate any insight and would hope there is something( text or a link to text) that I may post which addresses the concern. I did add today  a disclaimer note, a trademark note and  and a privacy note to the am not sure this does anything but its there.

Look forward to your feedback. Please keep in mind I will most likely POST your email input to the current social media spots, if that is OK with you. 

Bob Scully 
Social Media Guy in Vero Beach

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